Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

Everything is awesome. Hurray for October! klever

Friday, April 6, 2012

Celebrating Joan's Birthday - First Published in 2012, Recovered in 2014

Hark. At the left is a picture of my beloved Joan Christine on one of our many journeys. We met on a sunny Temple Terrace, FL, August Saturday afternoon and she did not know it at the time, but I was waiting for her, already waiting for her on that bright, late August day in 1971, whence the tale begins that Bruce Lee first met Joan Christine.

That afternoon destiny was working overtime to make sure everything would turn out right. (That's Destiny with a capital D, and rhymes with Jesus.) If either of us had been a day later, or were not part of a work crew, or had fallen asleep before the meeting, we might never have met, or at least met in a way that would have allowed us to see each other regularly, "for a reason."

Even on a small campus, how you meet is as important as when you meet. Because, you see, we wouldn't have met in class, given that I was an "upper division student," and Joan Christine was a new freshman. That means, separate schedules, except for chapel. I had transferred from the U of Akron to be a Bible major at Florida College, and was taking almost exclusively sophomore-and-above classes. How would people from Ohio ever meet people from Oklahoma except through the grace of God?

Nevertheless, she would have stood out anywhere, and I have confidence that Destiny (I mean, Jesus) would have brought us together somewhere else; for instance, maybe the night that she was running around campus in the dark acting like a choo-choo train. (Which she did, and I noticed. Once your heart is stirred you remember things like a girl with long hair in a short(er) dress running around like a choo-choo train. Believe me.) To allude to a certain favorite movie of mine: Joan is the love of my life; she is the most beautiful girl I have ever known. And when I am with her, my heart beats faster. She's a mystery, and I want to investigate that mystery for the rest of my life. All of this means that I have known Joan for nearly 41 years, which means that I have known her for almost 70% of the years I have been alive in this world. With mysteries yet to explore.

It means that other than my parents and grandparents, I have known no one as long as I have known Joan, and, therefore, no one could possibly know me better than she, nor I her, what goes into a lifelong friendship, romantic courtship, love affair, and intrepid parenthood, Thus it is my privilege to have celebrated April 7th in her honor more than 41 times. She knows (most of) my faults, contributes to any/all of my achievements, and shares with me the most precious memories of our (still) youthful marriage, our raising of our four beautiful, wonderful, talented children, and, now, our glorious time of interfering in and spoiling of our grandchildren.

Now that's Joan in relation to me, our families, our children and grandchildren. We celebrate all that because that's the Joan who serves us, treasures us, completes us.

But there is also Joan in and of herself, who she is and what she means to others, and how she blesses the world in which God has placed her. The Joan who loves to Make, just like her creator Father, to Shape, to Design, to bring beauty into the world that was not there before she conceived it, spun it, wove it, knitted it, crocheted it, quilted it, built it: The Joan Who is Beloved by God, who made her and loves her even more than I do, we do (though it seems impossible to quantify that love). There is the Joan, off-stage, who is generous with her time, wise in her counsel, tireless in her pursuit of goodness in the lives of others, and tender nurture in the lives of her children and their mates, and her grandchildren. Here is their testimony.

Matt: "It is Mom's birthday once again! This year I'm thinking about Mom's shared spirit of adventure with her husband Bruce. When I think about how and where she grew up, out in Oklahoma, relative farm life, and track through her "rolling with the punches" of life and of Dad being a preacher and moving on to multiple schools and degrees and jobs, all the while raising a family and keeping us all together; I am inspired and encouraged about my own life and adventures. I take comfort knowing that she could make things happen, adjust to the ups and downs, and be successful with all the things she did and cared for (like us kids!). Mom was willing and able to move all over the place, go to DC, go to Australia, Africa, and all the other crazy inbetween trips and experiences and keep us a family. I'm proud of my Mom and so glad I have a great one who helped me grow up and be responsible and learn from her. Hopefully I'll be just as successful with my family as we grow and have our own adventures and excitement in this short and crazy life. I love you Mom and happy birthday! See you soon I hope." 
Tracey: "Mom, thanks for all the fun cooking, quilt-making, tie-dye parties and nighttime walks around the streets of BG. I will always love the moment in Africa when Mary and I were being obnoxious in the back seat of the van and you yelled, 'Stop it Mary!...and Tracey.' new I was truly a member of the family then! ☺xoxo, Tracey"
Emery: "You sing the best songs and keep me clothed in the cutest hats and dresses ever!
I love you Meema! Love, Emery" 
Mary & Casey: "My Mama Joan drives effortlessly through the pot holed roads of Nairobi, flys around the world intrepidly, and her handiwork creations bless all who have the privilege to receive. Everyone who knows her, knows her as kind, gentle, fun, brilliant, and beautiful. am so grateful to have such a wonderful loving, giving, and fun mother named Joan Christine! Happy birthday to my mom! Xoxoxoxxoxo, much love, Mary and Casey." 
Sebo & Sophie: "Hands down: the best grandmother we could ever have imagined! She spends our first days on earth with us! She makes us the greatest sweaters, hats, scarves, booties, blankets, and beyond with all her heart! We are so happy to have Geema in our lives. Xoxoxoxxoxo, much, much love, Sebastian and Sophie
Justin: "Mom is the most humble, patient, kind, and loving person I have ever known. Her ability to master any new art and craft is an inspiration to me in my foolish cinematic endeavors. I would be happy to create and love even a tenth as much as she does." 
Juliette: "Joan is so sweet and caring. She brings joy everywhere she goes and I love how she sings all the time! Happy Birthday, Joan! Bon anniversaire!" 
Michael & Shelby: "Mom is a creative force and she often expresses her love and care through creative gifts. The most prominent example in my mind was visiting Justin in LA recently. When it was time to go to sleep I noticed several quilts by mom waiting expectantly on the couch. Mom's quilts aren't just "good blankets" (though they certainly are good). They are like portable hugs from mom. As we celebrate another year, we want mom to remember that we love her and her creativity. Mike and Shelby."
And now sweetie, with the love and admiration of everyone in mind, we will continue to embark together on still other adventures, exploits, challenges, collaborations and collusions of all kinds that we will find fulfilling, scintillating, and exhilarating because we are on this safari together, now and forever.

I wouldn't dare try this without you by my side. Without you, without Wilma and Ralph, I would never have known the meaning of love for a lifetime, the joy of raising our family, and thus would not be prepared for heaven, where Love lives.

Happy Joyful Birthday, Joanie, now, and the year after, and all those days beyond these earthly sunsets.

"With me . . . Without me. . ." With you.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Phlashlight Home Companion, THIS SAT!!!!!

Here it is, the next Phlashlight, SATURDAY, March 24th, 7PM.

Special guest performer: Liz Dally

plus comedic skits by

Michael Malanga
Sue Goliver
Michael Edwards
Joan Edwards
the tapes

MP3 downloadable sermon on--"In not of: living in the shadowlands"

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Out of the Shadowlands--My 8 PGS

Navigate to MY 8 PGS for a copy of Sunday's sermon, "Out of the Shadowlands," and don't forget that THIS Saturday, March 24, 7PM, is our next Phlashlight: with special musical guest, Liz Dally.

The image is a cover shot of my book, A Rhetoric of Reading: C. S. Lewis's Defense of Western Literacy, which has been translated into Japanese!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Home Companion, March 24, 7PM

A Phlash-Light Home Companion

The next edition of Phlash-Light, our “often monthly” wit, whimsy, and worship service will be Saturday night, March 24th. We’ll feature special guest, Liz Dally, singing in our recreation of a certain radio show that comes out of St. Paul, Minnesota, complete with guest pastor, Guy Noir, aka, Rev. Michael Malanga. Be there at 7PM sharp for edification and entertainment.

Mike Edwards' birthday will be celebrated directly following at his house. . .

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Phlashlight fans, go here to find the Jan. 27th phlashlight presentation: MERCY ME.

We had an appreciative audience of about 30 people, fine worship by Michael Edwards and the Tapes, and two great solo songs by each, including Mike's cover of Denison Whitmer's LITTLE FLOWERS.